What’s going on?

What’s going on? 
By Daniel Brothers

For my brother Robby,

“I left a steady plane for worlds of uncertainty 
I miss the sureness of my feet, but god…
...what wonders there a

At Rise: A man sits on a train platform, his friend stands up leaning on a support I beam.

Man: Hey, hey what’s going on over there? 

        [Friend looks up, and then back at phone]

Friend: I dunno looks like some lady fell over or something

Man: That a person lying on the ground? 

Friend: Yeah

Man: How can you tell? 

Friend: What? I mean, it’s a person

Man: You got some mad vision or some shit, 2020 vision over here seeing through steel 

Friend: Look the legs are sticking out! And she’s wearing a coat what else wears coats? 

Man: I dunno Manakins wear coaaats. 

Friend: Oh so you think that a manakin has fallen down the subway stairs and that’s what’s going on? 

Man: Well no.

        [Friend shakes head and goes back to phone]

Man: You really think it is a woman? 

Friend: Dude why do you care? There is a subway employee over there they’ve got it covered. 

Man: What if they need help? 

Friend: What sort of help you gonna bring to the table there huh? Forget it.

Man: I don’t know i could help keeps folks away

Friend: Yeah it would be horrible if people just kept pointing and staring at some poor old lady

Man: Yeah just to keep people from looking, hey wait a second

Friend: [laughing] Ah heh. Look the transit guy has got it I’m sure some help is on the way. 

Man: He’s just standing there though, looking funny at people

Friend: Looks to me like he is doing a good job of keeping people from staring

Man: Yeah Yeah yeah, you’re a comedian. 

        [There is a moment of pause]

Man: It’s been a while, i wonder if an ambulencce is coming? 

Friend: Dude it’s been like 3 minutes tops, it’s not like ambulances can just fucking appear 

Man: Well shit they need to step up their game than, If that were me, I don’t want to be lying on the ground for more than 5 minutes after i call the screaming debtmobile ok? Makin me wait 10 minutes to charge me an arm and a leg for falling down some stairs goddamn

Friend: : Look man, they can’t like barrel through traffic? Whatever, I’m sure help will be here soon. 

Man: I guess man. 

Friend: Look this is our train

Man: [looking over the platform] yeah yeah Alright. 

They exit, lights up on the opposite side of the stage as a crazy guy picks up his manneken parts and cackles off the stage. 
