

By Daniel Brothers

For my brother Robby,

“I left a steady plane for worlds of uncertainty 
I miss the sureness of my feet, but god…
...what wonders there are to see” 

A: A person who has come to therapy
B: A therapist
C: A body in a different place, not entirely fictional.

At rise: Lights pop on. You see A sitting eyes closed in a comfortable seat, B is sitting poised and listening to A speak. The lights fade up on C who is standing in an empty and isolated part of the stage. Separate. 

A: I’m standing in a shower. 

B: How do you know it’s a shower

A: It’s a shower? How do I answer that? 

B: IS it running? 

A: No, it’s empty. Except for me, I’m standing it it

B: Do you want to be there? 

A: Sure? I want the water to come on

B: Why don’t you turn it on? 

A: I can’t find a knob

B: Let’s make one

A: What do you mean? 

B: It’s your head, you can do what you want to do in there.

A: Ok. Sorry I’m not very good at this whole meditation thing. 

B: That’s alright, it’s not something you can be good or bad at. It’s whatever you want it to be

A: Ok

B: Lets make a handle

[ A handle appears and falls into C’s hand]

A: Ok! There. A handle. 

B: It’s in your minds eye? 

A: It’s in my minds hand

B: That’s wonderful! Lets turn it on and see what happens.

A: Oh. It’s not attached to anything

B: That’s ok lets try to turn it anything

A: But if it’s not attached how will it

B: Do you know how plumbing works? 

A: Not really

B: Neither do I, lets say it doesn’t need to be attached. Let your brain do the connecting for you

A: Okay…

B: We can put it under the shower head, think about how nice the water will be. Warm, or cold. 

[C puts the handle under the head, lights fade to a cool peaceful blue.]

A: Okay.

B: Feel the air around you, think about the sensation of the water on skin, the sound. All the things that come with a shower

A: Yes. Ok

B: Now turn the handle

[C Turns the handle. Nothing happens.]

B: Do you feel the sensation? The water cooling you? 

[C looks around, at the handle, lights begin to shift to red] 

A: I think so

B: It’s ok if it’s not what you were thinking it would be

A: No, no I feel it

[C looks around afraid and alone]

B: Does it feel good? 

A: It feels good. It feels warm. Warm water

B: that’s good, you’re making excellent progress. 

[lights flick off of A and B, leaving C alone in their red glow.]

A; I feel better already. 

[C grabs their head and goes to the ground] the light on them begin to fade 

B: I’ll see you next week

[fade to black]

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