Hobo’s Home

Hobo’s Home

By Daniel Brothers

For my brother Robby,

“I left a steady plane for worlds of uncertainty 
I miss the sureness of my feet, but god…
...what wonders there are to see”

A: Someone who left a party, Female
B: Someone who followed, Male 

At rise: A local street with signs benches trash cans and loose litter that one would find on a street. 

[A sits on one side of the street for a while. Deep in contemplation of the other side. Be enters from the same side she is resting on and joins her]

B: You aight? 

A: Just needed a breather

B: Oh ok, he goes to leave 

A: Hey!

B: Yeah? 

A: Have we met? 

B: Don’t think so.

A: I’m sorry. I’m . Goodnight

B: Are you alright? 

A: No I’m not alright why would I be sitting on the side of a road when there is a room filled with dancing aand laughter 20 feet away from me

B: I can think of a few. Too hot, too noisy, lot a sweat. I once watched a documentary called like homeless people vs hobos, which wasn’t anything like what i thought it would be from the title, and it turns out that some people live on the road just because they like the road. I can’t blame them, it is nice sometimes to be out on a street. 

A: What are you talking about? 

B: Nothing really

A: Then why are you talking to me? 

B: Because once you become a hobo you never come back and the road claims you. Also cause you seemed sad and like you might want a distraction

A: Look. I’m very touched by your concern but I think I’ll be alright out here. You’re not gonna get me back inside if that’s what your goal is

B: Oh good, I wasn’t going back in either

A: You are one hard guy  to read you know that right? 

B: Well i don’t have any visible tattoos 

A: What? 

B: There is not much on me to read I mean. 

A: Oh. That was dumb. Funny, but dumb

B: But that’s just what you can see? 

A: Oh is there more to read under that personality of yours?

B: Isn’t there always? Behind the makeup!

A: Make up. Bah. Guys have it easy

B: I can’t argue with that, we can pee standing up

A: Ha! Well I hate to tell you but I can do that too, just a bit less dignified 

B: Ha!

A: Are you making fun of my laugh? 

B: Wouldn’t dream of it

A: I think you would

B: I 100% would

[ a moment of silence, you hear the sound of a party foul.]

B: Well if you’re not going back, and I’m not going back. Would you like me to walk you home? 

A: Well that depends on which home you’d be referring to? 

B: What do you mean? 

A: Your home, my home, or down the road to the hobo home

B: Ha! Well lets walk through the Hobos living room and see where the night takes us. [he walks the wrong way] 

A: Well my home is this way.

B: Through the hobo’s foyer then! 

[ they laugh and exit. Lights down]

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