An Afternoon Tangelo
An Afternoon Tangelo
By Daniel Brothers
For my brother Robby,
“I left a steady plane for worlds of uncertainty
I miss the sureness of my feet, but god…
...what wonders there are to see”
Setting: A chic New York apartment, top floor. Modern minimalist style. A bowl of citrus fruits rests on a stylish end Table
Businessman: A businessman, his ideas too big for the world as it rests
An afternoon Tangelo: A sentient citrus fruit with a Vore fetish
At Rise, late afternoon in the apartment, The bowl of fruit hums with anticipation in the light of a winter’s sunset
Businessman enters on his cell phone
BM: What do you mean fired? I made this company I’m too big to be fired. You’re fired. Fuck you.
They slam their phone shut
BM: Fucking shit.
[sinking to couch after a long day, more pissed than worried. Takes a moment for himself before grabbing an Afternoon Tangelo, Lights shift to an oven naturally warm sunset glow]
AAT: At long last
[There is a slight shift to better show the man peel An afternoon tangelo]
AAT: Free me from my bruised and calloused shell
[The man continues to peel until An Afternoon Tangelo is completely peeled. It is satisfying and An Afternoon Tangelo reacts to this foreplay that lasts as long as it takes to peel casually peel a citrus fruit]
AAT: Freedom. Bare to your hunger. Take me within. Take me inside
[The Buisnessman eats an afternoon tangelo with the casual nature of someone eating a citrus fruit after a long day. An Afternoon Tangelo is in ecstasy. The afternoon sun fades to evening so that as the last bite is taken the apartment is dark and lit by a cool modern lighting]
AAT: At last. Completion.
The businessman receives a call. Picks up the phone
BM: Darling! Yes. Yeah they’re trying to fire me. Oh no I’m going to leave, I’ll take my interests elsewhere. They have absolutely no vision. There will be so much money in it. Talking citrus will be the next big trend in the hipster culinary world I guarantee it. Yeah. There are just a few kinks I need to work out. Have you ever heard of Vor?
Check it out on Youtube!
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